♦ The Ephemeral Chimera ♦

Auction House

Closed temporarily until further notice
(feel free to join our active venue discord for updates in the mean time!)

♦ Excalibur ♦ Mist ♦ Ward 9 ♦ Plot 35 ♦
Mist Northwest Subdivision

♦ About ♦

The Ephemeral Chimera Auction House is an adult’s only venue primarily focusing on exactly what it says in the name! However, we don’t want you to think there is nothing here for you if you’re not interested in going on stage or buying someone. Because, at the Ephemeral Chimera, the auctions are as much of a show as they are a service!Join your host Hyren Flavored as she hypes up the audience, plays with the guests, bickers with the staff, argues with the customers, and just generally starts trouble on stage! We hope you enjoy the performance as much as you enjoy any of the lovely people you take home with you when bidding is over! Even if you don’t have any gil in your pocket, we hope to see you there!The venue hall is located on Excalibur, in the Mist, at Ward 9/Plot 35! You can reach us by taking the Mist Northwest Subdivision aethernet shard. We open every Sunday, at 5 PM to 8 PM (PST), with sign ups for being on stage beginning at 4 PM. The list fills quickly, and we can only take so many, so please make sure to come early to ensure your spot! The house cut for sales is only 10%, below the average, because at the end of the day entertainment is our primary goal!Whether you’re here for the performance, to socialize with the crowd, or plan to take someone home for the night, we’re sure you’ll have a good time! So kick back, relax, and enjoy the show!

♦ Staff ♦

Hyren Flavored

The main host of the show and your primary antagonist for the evening, Hyren is a gremlin who will happily heckle everyone who goes up on stage as well as stand out in the audience! Her primary desire is to entertain everyone in the house, and if that means a little good natured ribbing or a playful argument with the audience, then so be it!

Khurima Mao

Though she might not be as in the foreground as the main host, Mao is no less important to the night’s festivities! Hyren’s counterpart on stage, Mao handles listing during the show as well as handling all financial transactions. Sometimes, when she isn’t being overwhelmed with information, you’ll find her taking part in the show as well!

♦ Rules + FAQ ♦

♦ 18+ Venue; no minors, please.
♦ Bids must be in increments of 100k.
♦ House bid starts at 100k per person.
♦ Self bids will not be accepted under any circumstances.
♦ Larger transactions are carried out via mannequin at the house's discretion.
♦ All transactions are handled by Khurima Mao, unless stated otherwise.

Q: What can I sell myself for?
A: You can sell yourself for any number of services on stage, be it companionship, running content, rp, gposing, therapy, art, etc! Whatever you'd like to do, you can do! We just ask that you refrain from RMT activities.
Q: What should I say for my intro?
A: Introduce yourself! Give the crowd an idea of what you're comfortable with doing, and what you'd like to do!
Q: If I don't get bid on, how much will I receive?
A: The house doesn't want to let anyone go home empty handed; you'll receive 100k from our transaction handler!
Q: How long am I supposed to stay with the person who bought me?
A: The general expectation is to stay with your bidder for an hour. It can be for as little or as long as you'd like provided you're both able to come to an agreement!

♦ Venue ♦

♦ Services ♦

Gambla, private dancers, escorts, bar service during the show,
as well as after auction events and games, are provided by Casa Xaela.
See their carrd for more information about their various services!

♦ Affiliates ♦

Thursday + Saturday
Exodus ♦ Shirogane ♦ Ward 20 ♦ Plot 7

Excalibur ♦ Goblet ♦
Ward 3 ♦ Apartment 64

Exodus ♦ Empyreum ♦ Ward 17 ♦ Plot 52

Friday + Saturday
Hyperion ♦ Empyreum ♦ Ward 8 ♦ Plot 12

♦ Discord ♦

Join our discord for updates, news,
and general shenanigans!